Bubble Emission Testing

The Bubble Emission Test (ASTM 3078) is the most common test performed on both flexible and rigid packaging. This test can be used to quickly identify leaks in your package.


How it Works

This visual test allows you to quickly identify the location of a leak via air bubbles escaping your package, pinpointing where your package has failed.

Altitude Simulation Testing

Altitude Simulation Testing (ASTM D6653) can be used to simulate the stresses a package would experience due to altitude changes during air transit or truck transit through mountain ranges.


How it Works

Packages undergoing altitude testing are exposed to stresses well beyond a simple “squeeze” test. The FlexPak Leak Detector can be used to test at specific altitude ranges to accurately identify any failure points in your package.

Internal Pressurization Testing

Internal Pressurization Testing (ASTM F2096) can be used on packages with little headspace (i.e vacuum-sealed packages) to visually determine leak points.


How it Works

By creating low pressure levels inside a package, this destructive test can consistently identify small leaks (~250 microns) in packages with little air volume. These tests are extremely useful in laboratory environments where new materials and package designs are tested.

Dry Chamber Testing

Dry chamber tests are tests that are performed without water in the Leak Detector tank. The Dry Tank Leak Procedure is best suited for packages whose contents are liquid and have little headspace or air within the package. This test method is typically performed with liquid-filled products (i.e. condiment sachets or bottles with lug-style and threaded caps).


How it Works

The package is placed in a dry FlexPak tank on a paper towel or absorbent material. The vacuum is created to your specifications and, if the paper towel or absorbent material is wet when the test concludes, the package seal is faulty.

Low Head Space & Vacuum Seal Integrity Testing

The FlexPak VAC attachment can be used to modify a low-headspace or vacuum sealed package’s internal environment by adding excess air. This is required to perform ASTM testing standards on low-headspace packages.


How it Works

By utilizing the FlexPak Vacuum Package Attachment (VAC) add-on, you’ll be able to introduce atmospheric air into the package environment, allowing for bubble emission or dry chamber tests to be performed.

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